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FAQ'S & More:

1. What is the purpose of the Wood River Community Association?

The main purposes of the Association are:

a. To provide for the maintenance and preservation of properties and common facilities located within the boundaries of the subdivision.

b. To provide for the establishment and advancement of systems, services and facilities within Wood River

c. To promote the health, safety, recreation and general welfare of the residents


2. If I have a complaint/comment/suggest about the neighborhood, should I contact the Association or the City?

The entity to be contacted will depend on the specific issue or concern. In some instances referrals can be made to both the Association and City.

The subdivision is located with the City limits of Corpus Christi so items specific to City operation; e.g., trash, water, streets, police operations, etc., should be directed to the City. The City Call Center can be reached at 361-826-2489 (CITY). Emergency situations should be handled through 911 and non-emergency police issues can be directed to 361-886-2600 (CCPD non-emergency police phone).

In order to be enforced, concerns regarding issues such as noise, parking violations, loose animals, etc., need to be referred to the City at the time the event is occurring.

The Association normally handles situations about properties in the neighborhood. These include issues such as parking of deed-restricted vehicles, lawn mowing and upkeep, renovation projects and the common areas issues; but the Association will also employ City resources if necessary.

If there is a question regarding who should handle an issue, the Association office can be contacted at 361-387-5911 or by e-mail at for referral to the appropriate party.


3. Is membership in the Association voluntary?

All property owners and residents of the subdivision must be members of and be subject to the Covenants and Restrictions of the Wood River Community Association.


4. Where is Wood River?

Wood River is located in the northwest section of the City limits of Corpus Christi TX. The address is 4410 Wood River Drive. 


5. Who or what is Wood River:

The Wood River Community Association is the corporation that was established as the homeowner’s association for properties within the boundaries of the Wood River subdivision. The specific purposes of the Association are as outlined in question #1.


6. What are the annual dues?

The annual dues are $500 per year. 


7. How do I pay?

The annual statements are mailed to each owner after January 1st of each year. Bills are sent to the property address unless otherwise requested by the owner. It is owner responsibility to supply the Association with their current mailing address if it is different from the property address. The annual dues is payable in full by March 1st of each year. The association takes cash, check, or credit card. 


8. What do the dues pay for?

The dues pay for the maintenance and upkeep of all subdivision common areas, facilities, equipment, utilities and the operation of the Association Office. It is also used for insurance, property taxes and any legal expenses incurred. The annual assessment is also used to fund all capital projects and improvements in the subdivision.


9. Who provides utilities and services to Wood River?

The City of Corpus Christi provides water, sewage, trash pickup and recycling and gas service

Residents have their choice of several providers available in the area for other services, so any information listed will only provide a partial listing of the choices available. Residents are free to research and choose their service providers.

Electric – Main provider is Nueces Electric Co-op

Phone – Verizon, Time Warner, AT&T and many others

Cable – Time Warner, Grande and others. 


10. What school serves Wood River?

The Wood River subdivision is located within the boundaries of the Calallen Independent School District (CISD). Specific information regarding schools, locations, and other district information can be obtained from their website at:


11. Does the Association have general membership meetings?

– Monthly Board meetings are held at Association Office, 4410 Wood River Drive, and are normally scheduled the third week of each month. Meeting dates are listed on the Community Calendar on this website.

– The Annual Owner’s Meeting is held the last week in January of each year. Official Meeting Notice is mailed to each resident in advance along with ballots and proxy forms. The Notice, Ballot and Proxy will also be available in the Document section of this site.


12. and 13. Does the Association have By-Laws and are there deed restrictions?

Yes, the Association has By-Laws, Articles of Incorporation and Covenants and Restrictions. All of these are posted under the Documents section of this website. In addition, each owner receives a set of these at their closing.


14. Does the Association have an Architectural Committee?

The functions of the Architectural Control Committee are currently handled by the Board of Trustees.


15. Must I consult with the Association if I want to make exterior improvements?

Yes -Restrictions and guidelines are listed in the Covenants and Restrictions that are available in the Documents section of this website.

Plans and requests are reviewed at the monthly Board meetings and must be submitted in advance of starting any work. The Board has 30 days to review all plans and make their decision.


16. Is there a Neighborhood Watch?

This program is administered by the City as a part of the Corpus Christi Police Department. Any and all residents in a specific block or street can organize and set up one for their area. Information on this program is available on the City website: or by contacting the CCPD’s Crime Prevention Division at 361-886-2568.


17. What are the duties of the Various Positions?

The duties and responsibilities of each of the Board positions are outlined in the Association’s By-Laws that are posted in the Documents section of this website.


18. 19. and 20. Does the City pick up trash; When is trash day; and what items are recyclable?

Trash is picked up on Monday of each week, except for major holidays. Recycling is collected every other Monday. The City website, outlines the guidelines for recycling as well as posting a calendar for pick up dates and times. The schedule and guidelines for heavy brush set out and collection as well as information about City landfills and dumping locations can also be found at that site. The my-waste app is available on the City website for free download.

Green trash cans and blue recycling containers can be set out the evening before pick up and must be removed the evening after collections. These cans are to be stored behind a fence or inside a garage, and are not to be visible from the street.


21. Dog Walking?

City ordinances and the Association’s Covenants require all dogs to be on a leash at all times when outside of the fenced area of a property. Dogs are not permitted to roam the streets.

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